Sabtu, 01 November 2014

PDF⋙ The Traveller's Malay Pronouncing Hand-Book for the Use of Travellers and Newcomers to Singapore by Books Group

The Traveller's Malay Pronouncing Hand-Book for the Use of Travellers and Newcomers to Singapore by Books Group

The Traveller's Malay Pronouncing Hand-Book for the Use of Travellers and Newcomers to Singapore

The Traveller's Malay Pronouncing Hand-Book for the Use of Travellers and Newcomers to Singapore by Books Group PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1891 Excerpt: ...sudah pergi potong rumput Pergi suroh sais pakei, bawa kreta sini skali Sabit ini sudah haus, Tuan, ta'bulih makan rumput lagi, sahya minta Tuan kasi lagi satu yang bharu Kasi chabut rumput rumput di jalan ini Pergi tempat ayer batu arabil sapuloh poun ayer batu, ini dia punya surat Taroh chukop abu kayu didalam bakul kasi tutup ayer batu baik baik Uler, Tuan Dimana? Dibawah pokok itu sana Apa macham uler nia? Uler tedong--macham jahat skali Jang-an dekat dia Pronunciation.--A followed by a consonant, or a final, is to be pronounced the same as a in the English word farm; g is to bo If it bites you, you will probably die Go and ask the "boy" to give you my gun Here is your gun, Sir Now, stand back; I am going to fire Have I hit it? He is killed outright, Sir Dig a hole and bury it Go and gather some "daun ribu ribu" to twist round the pillars and otherwise decorate the house with Kalau kena pagut, barangkali angkau nanti mati Pergi minta boy kasi sahya punya senapang Ini senapang, Tuan Undor samoa, sahya mau timbak Sudah kena? Sudah mati langsong Gali lobang tanamnia Pergi chari daun ribu ribu bawa sini lilit di tiang tiang dan mau buat perhiasen rumah Pronunciation.--A followed by a consonant, or a final, is to he pronounced the same as a in the English word farm; g is to be Pronunciation,--A followed by a consonant, or a final, is to he pronounced the same as a in the English word farm; g is to be The Dining-Room, the Servant. Is the breakfast ready? Is the tiffin ready? s the dinner ready 1 It is ready, Sir It is not yet ready, Sir It will be ready directly, Sir ""Fetch breakfast-Fetch tiffin JTetch dinner Order the gardener to pull the punkah Order the gardener to pull the punkah with greater force Stop pulling the punkah P...

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