Windows PowerShell: TFM by Jason Helmick, Mike F Robbins
Windows PowerShell: TFM by Jason Helmick, Mike F Robbins PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Join the leading edge of Windows administrative scripting with Windows PowerShell, the comprehensive command-line environment and scripting shell for Windows and Windows-based server products. PowerShell offers that fastest, easiest, and most consistent way to automate almost any administrative task, including IIS, Active Directory, SQL Server, Exchange, System Center, Remote Desktop Services, and much more. This all-new Windows PowerShell: TFM is fully updated to cover all new and improved PowerShell v4 features. If you can do it with Windows PowerShell, it's covered here, starting with absolute beginners all the way through advanced topics. No other book on Windows PowerShell provides this much coverage, with such clear explanations, from two recipients of Microsoft's Most Valuable Professional (MVP) Award!From reader reviews:
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