Increasing Your Tweets, Likes, and Ratings: Marketing Your Digital Business (Digital Entrepreneurship in the Age of Apps, the Web, and Mobile Devices) by Suzanne Weinick
Increasing Your Tweets, Likes, and Ratings: Marketing Your Digital Business (Digital Entrepreneurship in the Age of Apps, the Web, and Mobile Devices) by Suzanne Weinick PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
A digital entrepreneur not only needs to create a product of value to users, but also needs to learn to promote, sell, and stand behind the product. This book explores the role of digital marketing and getting one's product noticed in a competitive market. Digital marketing is the process of using search engines, social media, and mobile devices as part of a strategy to attract and retain customers. This book presents a variety of digital marketing techniques that can help make a name for one's app, game, blog, or website. Ideas include starting a company page on Facebook, using search engines to target customers, or microblogging on Twitter. With some creativity and know-how, teens will be on their way to marketing their digital products successfully.From reader reviews:
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