Senin, 23 Juni 2014

PDF⋙ Studying Math: Pathways to Success by B. Sidney Smith, Wendy Hageman Smith

Studying Math: Pathways to Success by B. Sidney Smith, Wendy Hageman Smith

Studying Math: Pathways to Success

Studying Math: Pathways to Success by B. Sidney Smith, Wendy Hageman Smith PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Mathematics is an essential component for almost any educational or professional goal, yet to many students it is also an obstacle - and a source of deep seated frustration. In Studying Math: Pathways to Success, we help students bring their math anxiety under control by identifying its root causes, by revealing constructive ways to cope with frustration, and by explaining the best techniques for studying college math successfully. We examine tips for note-taking, homework, and exams, and demystify the college math curriculum so that students can better understand how studying math fits into their broader goals.

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